You may have heard about mindfulness, but you may not know exactly what its benefits are or how to start the practice. Although it has a theoretical basis, it is eminently experiential. It is a training that focuses on directing attention to the present moment over and over again. Developing this skill requires patience and care, intentionally directing attention to thoughts, emotions, bodily sensations, and the environment. Little by little you learn to be aware of the experience of your mind and body, without overreacting, without judging or clinging, being able to choose how to respond to thoughts and emotions and be kinder to yourself.
The theory behind Mindfulness is that by directing attention to the present moment, becoming aware of the changing nature of thoughts without them defining us, we create space to observe, breathe and respond with serenity. Many people express that they get to know themselves better, perceive their needs and therefore accept the vicissitudes of life with more wisdom. Understanding the way we think and how this affects our emotions and actions is key.
- Stress reduction
- Decreased emotional reactivity
- Increased cognitive flexibility
- Developing greater self-awareness and personal growth
- Improves the ability to concentrate and pay attention
- Promoting healthy relationships
- Promoting resilience
- Increased well-being and physical and mental health